If you are looking to hire a lawyer, you will find no shortage of them! The United States has one lawyer
for every 200 citizens. With a record number of practicing lawyers, finding a lawyer for your legal needs
is no easy thing. Don’t fall for slick marketing techniques, puffed up ratings and phony testimonials. The
best way to find a lawyer is through word of mouth and referrals. It is scary but wide variations exist in
the skill level and expertise of each lawyer. Word of mouth and referrals from friends, relatives, business
associates, other professionals and other lawyers are the best way to find a lawyer. These individuals
have no vested interest in recommending a certain attorney. The nature of your legal problem may also
determine the type of lawyer you need to hire. Most lawyers concentrate their practice in certain areas.
If you call us and we do not handle the type of case you have, we will be sure to refer you to the right